Everybody can be a teacher to others!
Yes, we can always learn from other people; no matter who they are. A few weeks ago, I took a taxi to go home because it was late. The taxi driver was around 50ish years old. Then, we had light conversation along the way. After 10 minutes chit-chatting with him, I asked a simple question -How can he always be happy with his job or life. These are his answers.
I have keys to my happiness in life, which are the 5 I-s:
#1 Impian (dream)
We have to set our dream first to reach our happiness. Dream here means stages or conditions that describe our happiness.
#2 Ikhtiar (endeavor)
We must put our best effort in every action to achieve our dream.
#3 Ibadah (prayer)
Human can only strive for the best. Eventually God decides the result is.
#4 Istiqamah (persistence)
Persistence is important in giving our best endeavor. Happiness or success does not come easily. It has to be earned.
#5 Ikhlas (still cannot find the suitable English word for this one)
Human strives and God decides! We have to believe in it. Ikhlas means we can accept whatever the result is although it is unfavorable for us. God knows what the best for us is. Ikhlas is always easier said than done. Still, it is the key of every single action of ours.
I really thank that Taxi driver who did teach me about life. God bless him!