Yes, I might have just dramatized the situation. However, how many of you have ever been in similar situation? I believe there some of you, if not many, say "yes I have been there" or "yeah that is me."
What exactly are we afraid of? What is the worst thing can happen to you?
Some of us might answer "The audience might eat us alive (a bit of exaggeration)" or "What if I say wrong words? The audience can laugh at me" or "Nobody listens to me and I will be laughing stock."
Actually the real situation will not be that bad...as long as...we have good preparation.
Here are few tips of presentation I have from a great presentation skill training.
- Know your audience
- Know the purpose of your presentation
- Enter with a catchy opening
- Keep your eye contact with audience
- Rephrase questions from audience to understand them
- Give simple and concise answer
- Use words that can be understood by the audience
- Exit with a catchy closing
- Smile
These tips help me a lot in my presentations. Hope they work well for you too...:)