Having no jobs is difficult to most people, including me. Lately, I just whined over myself about how incompetent I am. Earning master's degree from the States and having lived in New York sounds very promising at least for some people. I have been attending job interviews at excellent multinational companies. I rejected an offer from a company and another company rejected me. Sometimes, I have doubt that I have made the right decision. Am I aiming way over the moon?
However, last night, there was a moment when I realized how lucky I am. Why lucky? I have wonderful parents and a sister who help me through this life providing a 'shelter' protecting me. Also, a person who always supports me and listens to my problem has been around. Geez, I always complain but actually God already bless me with all people I need.
So from now on, I will try my best always to thank God for what God has given to me...
Blognya di update dong bro hehehe...
full english... cocok dipasangin GoAds nih mas..
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