After reading this article in www.kompas.com, i suddenly thought of arrogant people. They are who think they are better than others and underestimate others because of that. By metaphore, they think they're like diamond and they're superior. The article actually can make us realize that being arrogant is useless. Why? Because there are always people who are better than you. There is sky above the sky. All you have to do is do your best not be the best. And if you do better than others, do not underestimate them. Coz someday they might do better than you.
Ultimately, we know that God is the Almighty. He should be the One who can be arrogant because of His power. But is God arrogant? A big NO. So, why should human be arrogant?
Great point behind this article. Thanks for sharing it and the Lord bless you!
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Hey, it's great to have you back in the blogging world. Have missed ya! I agree somewhat with what you are saying, but, I also feel that some people are the outcome of their upbringing. They have been trained and "bred" for the station they are at in life. It is not for us to judge them lest we be judged! I do think some people think they are better than I am and to those people, I say, "you go on wich yo bad self" ! lol
Howdy, just thought I'd let you know that you can prevent alot of the blog spammers by checking the box for word verification in the settings tab. It helps quite a bit. Hope all is well and you are having a great holiday weekend.
hei dik,
u write a very meaningful inform (berat bo..).setuju ma elo!
tapi...apa qt bisa sadar klo qt sbnrny sedang merendahkan org lain ?
Hey, Cupie.. pakabar di sana?:)
u need to chill out with the diamond.. they are expensive.. have a beer instead!! open the fridge and have a ice cold bud. you can cut all kinda stuff with beer.... cutting is not the point, the point is that you think that you already cut it.. its all in the head buddy.. talk to seth.. if you need help
update dong blog-nya. Dah basi nih Dik.....
hey YOU!
yes YOU.. hehehe :D
where have you been, dhyk?
update your blog phuhliisss.. (pdhal gw juga engga.. hehe)
Minal Aidin Wal Aidzin ya :)
beautiful conclusion!
nice blog bro..
Thanks ya udah mampir lagi..
huehehehe lama bgt gak mampir kesini.
Masih diamond aja ni ;p
Hey, i've changed my blog.
Please do visit me HERE
hehe :) ayo Dhyk, apdet dong!
Take care,
mana nih yang baru ? udah mau setaun gitu lhooo. hehehe
btw, mampir atuh di blog eke
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