These past four days would probably be the busiest days in Summer. I am taking class on the 4th block of Summer session. It only lasts for 2 weeks. Apparently it's not a 2-weeks-class, instead of 8-days-class. Can you imagine how to finish a class within 8 days? It's not easy for the students as well as the teacher. We have case studies everyday. In the end of the class, there will be group cases and individual cases to be presented infront of class.
Despite the density, this class doesn't have any exams. Yippi !!! Still, I want to finish it as good as I could do. Hang on there, Andhyka. It's 4 days left and you'll be done this summer. Colorado, here I come :)
Fiuuuh... for 8 days? must be hard, but sure u can do! ;) Go Andhyka go!
PS: For changing blogger background, first you have to save your default template provided by blogger on another file (e.g with notepad), then you can use your own template (your own grapics, with your own tables, scripts, etc) then upload them to your template. Or download from some recommended link blogskins, templatesbymarina, or any other downloadable templates you like ^_^ he3x.. Happy Posting!
good luck with your class and I hope you do well. You have a very positive attitude so I wouldnt think you'd do any other way.
Utie, which part of the code is the template to change the skin or background? I want to have my background be one big picture with others in it. I designed it in Print shop 20 but don't know how to give it a url. by the way what is a url anyway?
Thanks. Yeah at least I just stay hangin there. After a while, I find it is not so bad though. I've got 4 days left :)
Anyways, I'm still learning about the templates. The problem is that I don't know the web language or script or whatever it is.
1st of all, thanks for droppin' by. I recognize ur name from Mark Thomas' blog. I hope I do well too. Btw, I also want to do the same thing as you do. Hope u'll figure it out soon. Have u stopped by utie's blog?
to praynlady: Hi there! URL stands for "uniform resource locator." It's the standard address that can take you to a document, or a specific place on a document, anywhere on the WWW. My URL is "http://miutie.blogspot.com" :) To have a url on your graphic/photo, you can use either a file generator in geocities or a photo hosting in photobucket. I've recognized that you use Minima-Blogger template, right? if you see a "style" tag on your template, there're many changeable parts below that tag. If you want to change your background, add the url of your own background-graphics to the body. e.g:
body {
padding:40px 20px;
font:x-small Georgia,Serif;
font-size/* */:/**/small;
font-size: /**/small;
You can change anything in bold if you use your own graphics. Or maybe you want to change everything on your blog, you can read help.blogger.com about templates for assistance :)
Working with Blogger > templates or
Advanced use > Template tag
:) goodluck..!
to dhyka: Hey, I'm still learning as well.. :) hehe. Well, if you want to learn more about html, CSS, and Java scripts, i have some recommended links for you..
Bare Bones Guide to html
Those links are very recommended and great tutorials for beginners ;)
and i hope you don't forget to read also:
Blogger Help
You'll find many interesting information to change your blog layouts, add-ons, functions, and so on...
Hopefully it's helping :) Take care
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