The interview lead me to something, "being different." In this case, different and unique can be used interchangeably. Some people think that it is OK to be different from others. Other people think the opposite way. They said that we have to blend into the community and not be different. If i have to choose one of the opinion, I'd rather agree with the first opinion. Nonetheless, being different is not as easy as it is said. Not all people take difference in their life. There is always prejudice out there. If you decide to be different, you have to be ready to be judged. That's the risk.
What about the difference that you get since you were born? For example, difference of race. It often leads to racism. People are judged by their race. Race is associated by personal traits. It also happens backhome. Ethnicity becomes the base to judge someone's personality. We often hear about Slow Javanese, Materialistic Sundanese, Stingy Minangkabau, Rude Batak, Arrogant Lampungese, Minahasa party animals, Harsh Madurese, Mystical Dayak, and a bunch of ridiculous things like those.
I have no clue who started the notions and when they were started. What I know the best is that those are not true. One cannot be judged by one's race or ethnicity. "We are unique and so everybody is." Thus, it is better not to generalize people. To be frank, it is not an easy thing to do. I also did that before I went to the States. Here some people do judge me before they know me well. Being judged is not comfortable. Nevertheless, there are also many people who accept me just the way I am. I really appreciate that.
Thus, don't judge people from the way the differ. Difference makes the world more colorful. The more colorful the world is, the more exciting the life is. This is only contemplation for me, hopefully for you, too.
pic: (L-R> Andhyka, Lok, Lisa, Wang)
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